JULY 2023
There is no report from the Chairman, please read Management Committee Report on club notice board.
Janet Goff
APRIL 2023
Would like to thank everyone for their support over the past year and welcome the chance to serve once again as your Chairman
We held the AGM last month and this went without any issues. The membership numbers remain the same as last year at this time, we are still receiving requests for new membership which is encouraging.
A cheque for £840 was made to the Selsey Lifeboats on the 12th April they were very appreciative and will be posting it on their web site. We will also be making a presentation to the local Motor Neurone Association on the 18th April with a cheque for £840. The charity for this year will be Marie Curie on behalf of the charities I thank you all for all the donations and events you participate in to achieve these figures.
As it’s the Kings Coronation next month on Saturday the 6th May we will be having live music from 3:30 to 6:30 followed by a light buffet. I hope to see many of you here.
Details of all our events are always on our web page and also on the notice boards in the club. I’m mindful we have not organised any excursions for this year if anyone has any ideas please let me know or any of the committee members, keep watching we will be advertising an event soon
Janet Goff
Dear Members
At last the Chase the Joker has been won after 1 year. Many members have asked that we do not allow the monies to get to this level again going forward.
From Friday the 9th December week one of the new draw we will be paying out 5% of the fund if you do not draw the Joker so for example if the prize fund is £1000 the lucky ticket holder will receive £50.
The Turkey and tinsel weekend took place which was enjoyed by all so the wheels in motion to organise another one for November 2023 watch the notice board for details in the new year.
During the year the club has welcomed many new members as well as our loyal longer serving members.
Myself and all of the Committee would like to wish everyone and their families A Happy Christmas and Healthy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all over the Christmas period and into next year.
Janet Goff
September 2022
Dear Members
The club is still welcoming in new members, and it is good to see a diverse age group joining from forty to eighty. Welcome to you all and hope we see you in the club soon.
There is a change on the Committee this month we welcome Tony Booker and Neil Holmes who will serve until the A.G.M in March. Alan Withall and Cliff Beacher have resigned but will still be undertaking Lucky Stars draw.
Christmas fast approaching and the Christmas Draw boards will be on the end of the month the cost per ticket is 50p and please remember members only can purchase tickets and write your name clearly to ensure you receive any prizes. The draw will take place on Saturday the 17th of December.
The kitchen will also be putting on 3 Sunday Christmas lunches the 4th, 11th and 18th December, each will have music following the meal. Check the web site and notice boards for the details of the menu. All bookings and enquires should go direct to the kitchen.
We will also be participating in a friendly Crib league starting in October, anyone who is interested please talk to Tony Booker or add your name to the poster on the board. This is open to everyone you do not have to be the best player in the world the idea is to have a pleasant evening meeting different people and getting to know your fellow City Club members.
If anyone is interested in a fun weekend in Tenby, we still have a few spaces, this event is open to non-members and further details can be found on our website. Or you can contact myself.
Janet Goff
JULY 2022
Dear Members
The Queen’s Jubilee was a celebrated in the club and it was a good to see so many members some of whom had not been to an event since Covid struck, and have since been in again.
A questionnaire was given out and responses are still being received, on the whole they have been positive but inevitably some not so. One item I will act on straight away we were asked to have some non alcoholic and chocolate raffle prizes on a Saturday night this will happen as of this week. Next month we will give you further updates.
We are still receiving membership requests and it is good to see we are getting a wide age group from 30 to 90. If you see a new member introduce yourself and help to make them welcome into the club. Occasionally we have members that are new to the area and do not know any members so do make it easy for them, to mix in.
Janet Goff
JUNE 2022
Dear members
In order that we can continue to keep pace with the wishes/interests of the members of the Club, we are asking for your feedback and would be very grateful if you could spare a few minutes to consider the following:-
1. How would you feel about having a monthly (or fortnightly) lunch club – possibly on a Tuesday or Wednesday? This would offer the chance of meeting up with friends, making new ones – with a light affordable lunch – and we could further develop this with additional activities if people wished.
2. Would you like the option of a smaller plate for some meals – at a lower price?
3. Would you like the option of having a basket meal on entertainment nights?
4. Do you have any other positive suggestions and ideas for any aspect of the Club activities which could be discussed by the committee to further improve our offer.
We would be happy to receive your answers by email to pca@chichestercityclub.co.uk or please pick up a questionnaire from the Club.
Many thanks
The Committee
MARCH 2022
The AGM was held on the 14th March it took place with no issues. At this time we weclomed three new committee members, Angie Edlin, Alan Withal and Cliff Beacher this brings the number up to nine serving on the committee.
There are no major issues at this time and all items will be covered under the sub committees or any other business.
Janet Goff
We are now emerging from Covid restrictions, but we should all be mindful that this has not disappeared and remember to take sensible care and not visit the club if you have any signs that you may have covid or even flu. We want all members to stay safe and well.
The charity year is coming to a close which on this occasion has run for two years, to endeavour to increase our donations we will be holding a charity quiz on Saturday the 5th March and would be grateful for any donations to the raffle to support the event. The new charity starting on the 14th March will be shared between two charities, Royal National Lifeboat Institution (Selsey Branch) and Motor Neurone Disease Association.
We offer to our members cash back from the till but this can only happen when we have sufficient funds and their will be times this will be refused and we will be limiting this to £50 per transaction unless we have unusually high takings.
Can I please remind all members and the committee that the only persons permitted behind the bar are the Stewards and the Staff, the only time anyone else can go behind the bar is if they have been invited by the staff.
Janet Goff
Hi one and all
We have reached a New Year, December saw Christmas lunches with live entertainment they were well supported and enjoyed by all.
We have also had a jazz evening in January this did not draw in many additional members and will not be rebooked for the next few months.
New Years Eve was very quiet compared to previous years but those that attended appreciated we had live entertainment and it was a fun evening, the low attendance was I believe due to the government asking everyone to be cautions.
Unfortunately in the New Year the kitchen was unable to reopen due to Covid but it is once again open.
Going forward as things are now looking more positive we will be booking some excursions/ shows any suggestions please let a member of the committee know, watch the notice board and web page for updates. The Turkey and Tinsel weekend is going fast.
With the New Year, at this time we are not sure how many members have renewed their membership we will be looking at this over the next two weeks and contacting those we have not heard from.
I hope that we see all the old and new members in the club over the year at the different events, always please keep safe and well.
Janet Goff
Hello Everyone
I would like to take this opportunity to give a brief update, we have had three very busy Sundays with Christmas lunches followed by music, these have been enjoyed by all and it was good to see the club busy and seeing members that hadn’t been out in a long time.
We will be holding our annual Christmas raffle this Saturday 18th and music is booked for Christmas Eve and New Year, I hope that you will be able to come along.
Myself and the committee would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year but the most important thing is for you all to keep safe.
Janet Goff
Hello Everyone
I’m pleased to announce that Rachel & Martin have been appointed as the new stewards of the Chichester City Club, also Emma has returned on a full time basis and Paul continues in the role as Deputy Steward and Michael remains working part-time for us. Please come in and meet the Stewards and support the them as you always do.
On Sunday 14th we welcomed in the various regiments and it was good to see the club so busy. We donated the profits of the raffle to the Queens Regiment for the appeal and have received a letter of thanks.
Christmas is fast approaching please keep reading the entertainment page for the forth coming events particularly the Sunday lunch times from the 28th of November.
Please remember Covid hasn’t gone away and we do have hand sanitizers at both entrances please use and keep safe and well.
Janet Goff